Accessories UK and Walesrling Silver Wire Jewellery
We offer a wide range of designed and handcrafted jewellery as well a bridal tiaras and jewellery, we also offer a range of tiaras ideal for prom wear. We are beased in Builth Wells, Powys, Mid Wales and offer a commission service.Bridal WearHandcrafted jewelleryBridal Tiaras in WalesBridal accessoriesCommissions Undertaken bridal tiaras in walesprom tiaras in walesjewellery and tiaras in wales and UKUK jewellery and tiarasunique jewellery made for Llandrindod Wells Victorian FestivalVistorian FestivaluGlenys Bufton Animal RescueGlenys BuftonLlanyreUK and Wales Bridal WearBridal accessories UK and Walesrling Silver Wire Jewellery
We offer a wide range of designed and handcrafted jewellery as well a bridal tiaras and jewellery, we also offer a range of tiaras ideal for prom wear. We are beased in Llandrindod Wells, Powys, Mid Wales and offer a commission service.
Bridal Wear
Handcrafted jewellery
Bridal Tiaras in Wales
Bridal accessories
Commissions Undetaken
bridal tiaras in wales
prom tiaras in wales
jewellery and tiaras in wales and UK
UK jewellery and tiaras
unique jewellery made for
Llandrindod Wells Victorian Festival
UK and Wales Bridal Wear
Bridal accessories UK and Walesrling Silver Wire Jewellery
Sterling Silver
Rennie Mackintosh Inspired
Spoilt Rotten Beads
#Spoilt Rotten Beads
#Janet Dwyer Jewellery Design
#Pearl Knotting Tool
#Pearl and Bead Knotting Comb
#Pearl and Bead Notting Tool